Protein Crystallization third edition (Ebook)


IUL Biotechnology Series, 10
by Terese M. Bergfors (Editor)
Edition: Third, Ebook

Book Details:

  • Series: IUL Biotechnology Series
  • Volume: 10
  • Binding: Ebook
  • Pages: 650
  • Dimensions (in inches): n/a
  • Publisher: International University Line 
  • Publication Date: August 20, 2021
  • ISBN: 978-0-9720774-7-7
  • Price: $109.95

Look Inside This Book



Part I.  METHODS…………………………………………………………………….. 1

  1. Some Words of Advice from an Old Hand ……………………… 3
    Alexander McPherson
  1. Rational Selection of Crystallization Techniques…………11
    Joseph R. Luft and George T. DeTitta
  1. Automation for Crystallization: Practical Considerations
    in Choosing a System…………………………………………………….47
    Joseph R. Luft and George T. DeTitta
  1. Oils for Screening and Optimization…………………………….. 65
    Naomi E. Chayen
  1. Crystallization in Gels and Capillaries………………………….. 83
    Juan Manuel García-Ruiz
  1. Seeding………………………………………………………………………. 95
    Aengus Mac Sweeney and Allan D’Arcy
  1. Heavy-Atom Derivatization………………………………………… 115
    Zbigniew Dauter and Mirosława Dauter
  1. Preparation and Crystallization of Selenomethionine
    Protein……………………………………………………………………… 135
    Anna M. Larsson
  2. Crystal Handling for Cryogenic Data Collection…………. 155
    Elspeth F. Garman

PART II.  TOOLS AND STRATEGIES…………………………………………175

  1. Interpretation of the Crystallization Drop Results……… 177
    Johan Philip Zeelen
  1. Mass Spectrometry Applications in Protein
    Sharon X. Gao and Marie Zhang
  1. Dynamic Light Scattering………………………………………….. 225
    Ulf Nobbmann and Terese Bergfors
  1. Improving Protein Crystallizability by Modifications and Engineering……………………………………………………………… 251
    Xiayang Qiu and Cheryl A. Janson
  1. Handling the Protein Sample…………………………………….. 271
    Terese Bergfors
  1. Two Approaches for Initial Screening: Evolution and
    Intelligent Design…………………………………………………….. 297
    Janet Newman
  1. Strategies for Protein Crystallization Screening……….. 313
    Bernhard Rupp
  1. Additives and Microcalorimetric Approaches for
    Optimization of Crystallization………………………………….. 335
    Joanne I. Yeh
  1. Optimization of Crystal Growth………………………………… 355
    Janet Newman
  1. Membrane Proteins Crystallization………………………….. 373
    Martin Caffrey
  1. Crystallization of Macromolecular Complexes:
    Challenges and Strategies
    ………………………………………. 411
    Soneya Majumdar

PART III.   LABORATORY EXERCISES………………………………….. 447 

  1. Laboratory Exercises………………………………………………. 447

LE1.       Setting Up Microbatch Trials…………………………………….. 451
Naomi E. Chayen

LE2.       Limiting the Amount of Nucleation and Enhancing the
Reproducibility of Experiments by Filtration…………………………….. 455
Naomi E. Chayen

LE3.       Containerless Crystallization…………………………………… 459
Naomi E. Chayen

LE4.       Insertion of Oil Barriers to Slow Down Vapor-Diffusion
Experiments                                                                                  463
Naomi E. Chayen

LE5.       Improving Crystal Quality by Separating Nucleation
and Growth in Hanging Drops…………………………………………….. 467
Naomi E. Chayen

LE6.       Seeding with Lysozyme………………………………………… 471
Aengus Mac Sweeney

LE7.       Studying the Influence of Supersaturation and Supersaturation ”
Rate with the CrystallizationMushroom……………………………….. 483
Juan Manuel García-Ruiz and Luis A. González-Ramírez

LE8.       Capillary Counterdiffusion Experiments with Granada
Crystallization Boxes………………………………………………………… 491
Juan Manuel García-Ruiz and Luis A. González-Ramírez

LE9.       Evaluation of Cryoprotectant Solutions………………….. 497
Elspeth F. Garman

LE10.     Optimization Experiment with Additives………………….. 501
Terese Bergfors

LE11.     Comparing Salt and Protein Crystals by Two Methods. 505
Terese Bergfors

PART IV.  A–Z………………………………………………………………….. 511

PART V.    PROTOCOLS……………………………………………………. 591

Index……………………………………………………………………………… 615











Third Edition

edited by



Protein Crystallization third edition (Ebook)
